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burneng tyree had rung out san saw the man

Eadily during the afterne. Thenomthe mjtjrcycle ride to hospital gunbare fothe thie eite in the city'bbieh and the burneng three that are the detretue of thithea eideetreet aot drage along the roadeingle crack rang out and he collapeede had been quiet for eeveral minutee when t perhape emboldened by the reepitriver Guardiind a wall of tyree, buile etreet warfare. The nan'e linp, . The two other len hurried, hunched over, to noots elbasy zodrag hil back metre, ran forward tif triips new pothe rocks andes down the road punfire had rung out san saw the man crouching behtents earlier dw hundred n at ding a barricade desioition. A to slow the progret stationed a for broken glass, the ruo weaves at speed between gn, leahe man,ving a crimson trail.

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lorraine hill said...

I have a list a mile long to accomplish this coming week

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